Scientist are curious people, or at least they should be. They like to discover new things. Creation (still being beautiful) provides them with lots of opportunities. But: you will have to look properly (including smelling, hearing, tasting and of course measuring). In this first unit you will:
1. do observations with many of their senses 2. weigh peeled and unpeeles potatoes 3. evaluate their investigations critically 4. learn to write a research report. Everything is done on special forms, kept in a binder - growing into their own dossier (which will be marked). All forms will be handed out in class, but they can also be downloaded from this page. |
Marking formsEach dossier and each report has its own marking form. These are handed out beforehand. It can also be used as a tick-off form: to check the completeness of the dossier or the report. These can also be downloaded.
The scientific reportDuring the three years of science you will learn to ask question, turn them into good research questions, add a proper expectation and think of an experiment to test it. You will learn to set up a detailed experiment, observe what happens, write down the conclusions and also work out the results in tables and graphs. You will learn to draw conclusions, improve your experiment and much more!
We will learn all those topics in steps. During the first unit we will mainly focus on observation and drawing conclusions. Later on you will write a complete report. How? You will be able to read about it over here. It contains the explanations of how to write a good report for every grade and also for the upper classes. Writing a good report is an important skill you will have to master for science, but also for biology, physics and chemistry and at the end of you school career you will write a 'profielwerkstuk'. Go to the main page about writing a report or go directly to the 1st grade page. |
Are you aware? Do the test!
Can you tell how many times the white team passed the ball around?
The Monkey Business Illusion
Can you tell how many times the white team passed the ball around?